Детский сад – первый шаг
к успешному будущему!

Готовим к открытию, пожалуй,
самый необычный детский сад
в городе – настоящее
кругосветное путешествие!
Детский сад – первый шаг
к успешному будущему!
Готовим к открытию, пожалуй,
самый необычный детский сад
в городе – настоящее
кругосветное путешествие!

эта группа для детей с ограниченными возможностями (when you're special)
вместимость до
А у вас правда как в настоящем Китае? И можно даже полазить по Китайской стене?
*when you're special
Творческие и развивающие зоны
Уникальные стильные помещения, оформленные в стилистке и традициях различных стран мира, чтобы пребывание деток в садике превратилось в настоящее
кругосветное путешествие!
Привет! Добро пожаловать в ART HELLO Atlas. Тебя ждут настоящие увлекательные приключения и новые друзья!
3D-План здания
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Отдельные игровые площадки для каждой группы! Всем детишкам хватит качелей и горок.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Самые современные системы вентиляции и кондиционирования
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Стоимость посещения
+ уход и присмотр за детьми

+ Обучение по инновационной программе дошкольного образования "От рождения до школы" (соответствие ФГОС)

+ занятия в Школе скоростного интеллекта

а далее
Ясли и сад работают
до 19:00.

к базовому пакету:

4 занятия/мес. - 2400 р.
8 занятий/мес. - 4000 р.

4 занятия/мес. - 2800 р.
8 занятий/мес. - 4800 р.

Стоимость посещения
в месяц по базовому тарифу
Только до
31 августа

50 000 р.
Приходите в удобное время
к нам в гости!
Дополнительный час -
200 р.

+ музыка, творчество, физическая культура

+ диагностика психолога и логопеда
2 раза в год

+ 5-разовое питание с собственной кухни + отдельное меню для аллергиков
Что входит в базовый пакет:
30 000 р.